Local Membership Benefits Accidental Death and Dismemberment Insurance All CWA3176 members have a $4,000 ADD insurance death benefit, which is issued to his/her remaining family members for them to use as they see fit. Members will also receive a $1,000 death paid by the local to their surviving spouse or children. Benevolence Fund Union members will be reimbursed from the benevolence Fund for expenses incurred upon submission of paid receipts or membership approval, not to exceed $100. A. Reimbursement is for deceased members/dependents or a member/dependent with an illness. B. Reimbursement can be substituted with a donation to a charity or an equivalent benefit at the request of the member/members’ family. C. The contract will be the guideline for the qualification of dependents. D. An additional $1,000 benefit may be paid to the dependent of an active member upon their death, dependent on local financial resources, and approved in a general membership meeting. Union Paid Time Off Time off, from scheduled work hours, with pay to conduct official business on behalf of the local. Union Employee Assistance Program
National Membership Benefits A 15% discount for all union members that have AT&T wireless service. You can become a member of the Union Sportsmen's Alliance Receive AVIS car rental preferred status Union Plus benefits that included Home loans, Credit Cards, Legal Service, Education grants, and many many other benefits and discounts used in a person daily life. Educational Membership Benefits FREE TRAINING FOR AT&T AND LUMEN/CENTURYLINK EMPLOYEES VIA THE TELECOM & TECHNOLOGIES OFFICE. CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFORMATION CWA national Joe Beirne Foundation, which is a $3,000 scholarship awarded to the union member, their spouse, their children, and grandchildren. Receive nationally recognized industrial-focused training through CWA/NETT and NACTEL. (Centurylink and AT&T offer tuition assistance to CWA/NETT)
Page Last Updated: May 06, 2023 (18:16:12)